Fakultätskarrieretag an der Uni Frankfurt

Frankfurt am Main

Events for applicants


Protection against Dismissal

The protection against dismissal plays an important role in Labour Law. In our video clip you will learn more about the German Protection Against Unfair Dismissals Act and what you have to pay attention to when declaring a valid dismissal.

Works council

The works council represents the interests of all employees. In our video clip you will find out when and to what extent a works council must be involved and what a head of HR of a major company with a works council has to bear in mind.

Employment Agreements

A lawful employment contract is the basis of every employment relationship. To learn more about what must be observed when drafting a lawful and legally binding employment contract, please check our video.

German General Equal Treatment Act

The German General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz - AGG) becomes relevant in case of both employment and promotion of employees. Our video shows what you have to keep in mind when taking personnel decisions and how to legally protect yourself.

Fakultätskarrieretag an der Uni Mannheim


Events for applicants


Bucerius Law School Absolventenmesse


Events for applicants


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